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Providing Reassurance & Security

SSL certificates play an important role in website security, letting visitors to your site know their session is safe and secured.

Global Sign Solutions

Represented by a padlock in the address bar, SSL certificates also reassure customers that any payment details and personal information they provide is fully encrypted – helping to encourage sales through your e-commerce platform.



Identity for Everything

At Advoco, we can provide SSL certification for any or all of your sites. This is done by installing a small data file on your web server, which digitally binds a cryptographic key to your domain.


This file in turn activates the padlock, allowing secure connections between the server and the customer’s browser.


Various types of SSL certificates can be implemented, the simplest of which covers a single website on a single server. More extensive options include providing security for an unlimited number of subdomains across an unlimited number of servers.


In each case, an annual fee applies, with a sliding scale of pricing options to suit your requirements.




Talk to us about SSL Certificates today by giving us a call on 0345 260 8801  or contact us here